gestational diabetes
Sunday, October 28, 2007
  Gestational diabetes happen during the fifth momth of prenancy
Gestational diabetes is quite common to women and its a kinds of diabetes that most start during prenancy because most of the women body unable to use glucose in the blood which higher the sugar level then its normal. Gestational diabetes affects only to women who is pregnant and its usually start when the women are in fifth to sixth month of labour and this gastational diabeties will go away after the baby is delivery.

It is best to check with your doctor as high sugar levels in your blood can cause you and your baby to be unhealthy. Your baby might suffered jaundice or your baby may weight more heavly then other baby or the normal weight. It will affects the mother as the mother will find it hard to deliver because the baby is to big. If you are diagnoise with gestational diabetes It is best to control your diet, regular exercise and to see your doctor to have blood test to control your blood sugar level.


This blog is really a great source of information which is very useful for me. Thank you very much for such important information.

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